Who am I? That’s a truly profound question, but you’re probably just looking for a bio…
In that case, I’m a husband, father, social entrepreneur, amateur vegan chef, and a perpetual seeker of knowledge (scientific) and wisdom (spiritual).
Professionally, I’m the founder of Advaita Health Ventures, Advaita Integrated Medicine, and Green Hill Recovery. In a seemingly former life, I graduated from West Point (after walking 300+ hours, inside “joke”) and US Army Ranger School before leading a platoon on a nine-month deployment to Southern Afghanistan. Upon return, I became deeply interested in yoga, meditation, and what it means to live a good life. I left the Army for law school, which I left early to start my endeavors in social entrepreneurship.
These days I’m doing my best to create a more equitable healthcare system, with a specific focus on behavioral health. I enjoy building teams of values-based, mission-driven folks who want to leave the world a little better than they found it.
Consciousness, nonduality, ashtanga yoga, physics, history, technology, education — you name it, I’ve probably got an interest in it — unless it’s sports or pop culture. If this site seems random, blame it on the ADHD.