strategic initiatives: projects, projects, projects

As the CEO of Advaita, I believe in transparency and sharing our journey openly with our community. Whether you're an industry professional, patient, healthcare investor, or team member, I want to provide insight into what we're working on, the challenges we're facing, and how we're navigating our path toward growth and flourishing. Here’s a look at what we’ve got cooking the next few weeks.

Project Management: Elevating Our Operations

As we mature as a company, effective project management becomes increasingly crucial. To streamline our workflows and enhance coordination across various teams, we've added 25 licenses to Microsoft Project. This platform will help us manage interconnected dependencies more efficiently, ensuring that our projects are on track and well-coordinated. We'll be rolling this out to the team in Q2 after thorough initial testing.

Overhauling Our Intake Process

Our intake process, spanning from web and phone inquiries to service line enrollment, is undergoing a significant overhaul. The primary goal is to eliminate fail points that lead to duplicative data entry and inefficiencies, which currently hamper patient experience and provider effectiveness. By improving conversions, enhancing patient experiences, boosting provider efficiency, optimizing Revenue Cycle Management (RCM), and streamlining administrative processes, we aim to create a seamless intake experience.

Key Tasks:

  • Website Form Finalization by 5/23: Tripp is leading this effort to ensure our forms are user-friendly and integrated with our systems.

  • RingCentral Consolidation by 5/25: Devin is consolidating scripts, assignments, and logins to streamline our communications.

  • Transition to AMD Pay: Tyler is managing this transition to improve our payment processing. (These changes are anticipated to reduce expenses by $3,000-4,000 monthly and increase our cash on hand by $10,000 monthly.)

  • Patient Communication Templates and Policies: Ryan, Marcus, and KG are developing standardized communication templates and procedures.

  • Updated Admissions Process: Ryan, with KG's assistance, is mapping out the new process, defining KPIs, and establishing policies and procedures.

Data & Reporting: Ensuring Quality Inputs for Quality Outputs

We adhere to the principle of "garbage in, garbage out" when it comes to data. Our primary data source is our Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, and ensuring the accuracy and consistency of data entry is paramount. We've purchased an additional 25 training hours from AdvancedMD to support this effort. Here are some immediate actions:

Key Tasks:

  • Group Documentation: Addressing errors, primarily on the provider side, to ensure accurate scheduling and documentation.

  • Team Integration: Including new team members in the schedule as soon as they are hired, ensuring their schedules are filled in advance.

  • Roster Accuracy: Maintaining an up-to-date clinical and medical roster for current, past, and future providers.

These steps are crucial for leveraging Power BI as our single source of truth, enabling us to report on impactful data insights.

Foundational Work: Strengthening our Core

As we evolve, it’s imperative to solidify our foundation. This means cleaning up processes, documentation, contracts, and more to ensure we operate like a "real company." This foundational work reduces the time and energy spent chasing down information, allowing us to focus on strategic growth.

Key Tasks:

  • Lease Updates: Updating leases between our operating companies and the management company.

  • Login Consolidation and Technology Overview by 5/25: Devin is streamlining our technology access.

  • Month-Close Process for RCM and Finance by 6/1: Tyler is developing a robust process for month-end financial and RCM close.

  • Balance Sheet and P&L Updates by 5/25: Tyler is also updating our balance sheet and integrating debt service into our P&L.

  • Policy and Procedure Consolidation by 5/25: Devin is consolidating our DHSR and TJC approved policies and procedures.

  • Core Process Documentation by 7/1: Documenting processes for admin/scheduling, RCM, finance, clinical, medical, and program operations.

Chapel Hill Office Opening: Expanding Our Footprint

We’re excited to open our new office in Chapel Hill by August 1, 2024. This project involves managing property transitions, overseeing renovations, and furnishing the building. Our property manager and administrative assistant, Jen , will play a key role in this process.

Key Tasks:

  • Receive Bids for Renovations by 6/1: Reviewing and deciding on renovation plans, timelines, and budgets.

  • Tenant Rent Policies by 5/24: Drafting policies for tenant rent collection (Venmo, Zelle, or check).

  • Office Assignment and HR Plan by 6/15: Finalizing office assignments and the HR plan for Chapel Hill.

Yes, there’s more…here are a few things i’m working on, largely independently…

  • Develop Digital Marketing Funnel by 5/21

  • Archive Existing Google Analytics Data by 5/22

  • Publish Clinical Capacity + Group Schedule Dashboard by 5/25

  • Publish SUD Treatment Dashboard v1 by 5/28

  • Launch AIM Website by 6/1

  • Launch AIM Development Site by 5/22

As we navigate these numerous projects and initiatives, we must remember that our ultimate goal is to enhance the patient experience and create a better work environment for our team members. Every effort we undertake, from streamlining our intake process to improving data accuracy and reinforcing our foundational work, is geared toward making Advaita a more efficient, effective, and compassionate organization.

These improvements are not just about operational efficiency but about creating a seamless experience for our patients, ensuring they receive the best possible care without unnecessary hurdles. By reducing administrative burdens, enhancing communication, and optimizing our processes, we are making it easier for our providers to focus on what they do best—caring for our patients.

For our team members, these changes mean a more supportive and organized workplace, where information is readily available and everyone can work more efficiently. While this behind-the-scenes work might not be what I originally envisioned when I started this journey, it is necessary. It lays the groundwork for a stronger, more resilient organization that can continue to grow and thrive.


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